JoAnn Moledo
It was February 6th, 2008 in the early evening. I was in the middle of cooking pot roast for my children when my sister called to tell me a friend of hers knew a concierge care pediatrician in Greenwich who was looking for an administrator.
Would I be interested in the position?
My education prepared me for the retail world, but after having children, I knew I needed a change. After talking more in detail with my sister’s friend, I called Erik Cohen. He asked me if I could meet with him. I told him I wasn’t dressed professionally and I smelled of pot roast, but I lived 5 minutes away so I could be there shortly.
After meeting with him, seeing the cool office and learning about his philosophy of treating children, I knew I had to be part of his team. I was hired and 20 years later, I am still here, loving my job, the people I work with, and the families we care for.
I still marvel how the opportunity all came together. Next Generation Pediatrics is my home away from home. Erik still asks me when he is going to get a piece of the pot roast.